Dimensions are nominal and may be subject change by the manufacturers without notice. #Capacity conversions are based on Jam.
Ref: JJRD-2200M-GD
The biggest opf the Classic jars is REALLY big - 2200ml or as it used to be known the half gallon pickle jar.
Great for your pickled onions or pickled eggs - water glassed fresh eggs (yes, its still a thing) but how about a terrarium - or stick insects! Buttons, a memory jar, bits of string and Stuff?
Some of our customers use them for fermenting pickles - even one guy made that fuel additive that used to be popular back in the day. It takes all sorts and I am never surprised.
Still takes the 082 lid though and four will fit neatly into our standard delivery box
To make the chutney pictured go to https://recipes.rosiemakesjam.com/how-to-make/courgette-and-mint-chutney