Truly excellent service . Fantastic advice from a knowledgeable lovely lady. I am delighted with my purchase and even more delighted to be able to access information and guidance ! Thank you Rosie Maria C
Dimensions are nominal and may be subject change by the manufacturers without notice. #Capacity conversions are based on Jam.
Ref: JJRD-190M-ML
The 190ml panelled, confusingly called the 190ml round by us - sorry - is by a very long way, the most popular jar in the schoolyard.
Always at a great price it fills easily and the size means that your product stays on the right side of expensive. Jams are expensive to make as a rule, chutneys not so much, so they would go in a one size larger jar.
When I was going to shows regularly I would price jams and chutneys all the same to make it easy to do on-the-hoof - offers. Trev could alway be found enticing customers to our stand with his '£3 each, or 3 for £10' offer! We never actually charged that of course but it stopped a lot of people in their tracks.