Truly excellent service . Fantastic advice from a knowledgeable lovely lady. I am delighted with my purchase and even more delighted to be able to access information and guidance ! Thank you Rosie Maria C
Dimensions are nominal and may be subject change by the manufacturers without notice. #Capacity conversions are based on Jam.
Ref: JJRD-66BNT125M-NL
I have some cards here and I am going to put them on the table. There. I love the Bonta jar range - I used this range for my own artisan preserves business as it just has that little bit more style. Nice straight sides , the lip running around the top of the jar making them easy to pick up and a good range of sizes.
They are easy to fill - no tricky shoulders to trap air bubbles - and that makes them easy to empty as well - and customers like that, no speck of jam left behind.
They are a bit more expensive than the panelled jar range but that comes down to the design element, the 'stands out on the shelf' advantage. Oh, and easy to label as well - have a look at the other sizes and see what you think.